
When sun hits the alps at just the right angle, they bloom into a fiery red color because of the way light interacts with the atmosphere. This indoor light fixture is inspired by this phenomenon of alpenglühen or mountain glow.


  • Professor Rhonda Gilmore, lighting studio, fall 2020, Cornell University


And thus imperceptibly the day had crept on to its close, and now the sun was on the point of sinking out of sight behind the high mountains. Heidi was again sitting on the ground, silently gazing at the blue bell-shaped flowers, as they glistened in the evening sun, for a golden light lay on the grass and flowers, and the rocks above were beginning to shine and glow. All at once she sprang to her feet, “Peter! Peter! everything is on fire! All the rocks are burning, and the great snow mountain and the sky! O look, look! the high rock up there is red with flame! O the beautiful, fiery snow! Stand up, Peter! See, the fire has reached the great bird’s nest! look at the rocks! look at the fir trees! Everything, everything is on fire!

- Heidi, Johanna Spyri

Test models
